Unable to locate iOS's system related native app popup element in mobile devices

Unable to locate and click below ‘Allow’ button. Below xpath is identified in Appium inspector
Xpath = //XCUIElementTypeButton[@name=“Allow”]

Screenshot 2024-04-20 at 4.29.51 PM

Recently upgraded robot framework, appium, wda, after that I’m unable to locate os related native elements

WDA - v8.5.2
Appium - v2.4.1 / v2.5.3 / v2.0.0-beta.71
Robot framework - v7.0
Xcode - v15.3
mac OS - Sonoma v14.4.1
Devices - iPhone 11, 12

Note: Working fine previously after updating all above(ada, Appium, robot, Xcode), this issue occurs


I’ve been experiencing this same issue. I’d be curious to know if you found a solution. Otherwise, I hope this reply boosts the visibility of this problem and achieves a resolution.