Robot Framework Intellisense FORK V2.9.6 RELEASED

:robot: New VSCode Plugin “Robot Framework Intellisense FORK” Released! :robot:

New Feature/Fixes:

  • Library Completion Update:
    (RobotFramework 3.2.1, SeleniumLibrary 4.4.0, Requests 0.7.0)
    Included codecompletions are now available for the current Robot Framework Release!

  • Tab completion now possible
    Due to the keybinding of tab with 4 spaces the tab key could not be used to select a completion.
    It is also now possible to switch between arguments after completion while editing the arguments.

  • Syntax Highlighting improved
    After last update of syntax highlighting, some users complaint about the similar colors of Test Cases and their Keywords. I refactored the highlighting so that keyword calls should be the same color like in python code function calls. Keywords and Variables have in the most themes the same, like in python.
    Some other minor fixes.

Default Dark+

Default Light+


Solarized Dark



I have tried to install the this extension with VSC and still do not get the suggestions or typeaheads. Please can you guide me to some solution for the issue.

Hi @Abhis001,

i would really recommend to use Robot Framework Language Server for VSCode.

It is much more advanced and the FORK was just good until LSP was better :wink:

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Thanks for the inputs. Tried with the same and still the issue persists, typeaheads do not work.

Please let me know where should I look for to resolve this issue, I am stuck.


Hi @René and @Abhis001

I have written a detailed blog on how to enable autocomplete keywords for selenium and built in library for selenium can be enabled on VS code. Please find the link here:

Please let me know if you have any more questions. Thank you!

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