RobotFramework 7 Language Server future


Following the announcement from the authors of the RobotFramework Language Server that

Robot Framework 7 will not be supported (unless someone steps up to do the needed work)

is there anybody who wants to “step up to do the needed work”?
Shall the community around Robot Framework form an effort to continue the great work done there before?

For example, Visual Studio does not understand the VAR syntax at all and people already complain that this does not work.


Theres alternative LSP here; GitHub - robotcodedev/robotcode: RobotFramework support for Visual Studio Code

Works fine in Vim and should work with Vscode too.

Personally i do prefer robotcode as its Python based and Daniel is very active with the releases


Hi Roman,

More plugins would be nice, so that the community does not rely on one maintainer and suddenly is in a dead end like robot users in PyCharm at the moment. VSCode users just got lucky that Robotcode challenged Robocorp even when they were popular.

Robocorp LSP and Robotcode have completely different architectures, to my understanding. To my understanding, Robocorp rebuild their own robot parser while Robotcode is using the original parser from Robot Framework. That makes Robotcode very compatible to Robot Framework. Robocorp LSP has to refactor each new feature of Robot Framework, which is more effort, however that also allowed them to cut corners and solve things like keyword resolution “dirty”, so that it gambling (by good chance), but its faster than the original parser.

So, if you just want to use Robot Framework, then use Robotcode. If you see in the paragraph above an incentive to continue the Robocorp LSP that’s great. Although I am extremely happy user (and moderator) of Robotcode, I do appreciate competition of ideas. You always have use cases where someone favors the alternative, so better to have alternatives :slight_smile:



Thank you for explanations and suggestions, @Noordsestern and @rasjani. I tried now robotcode as you advised and I should admit that I am not lacking any features comparing to Robocorp LSP, so I will go with your proposal to just use robotcode.


You might be interested in this demo from RobotCode author:
Maximizing Efficiency with RobotCode CLI Tools: A Comprehensive Guide