Visual Studio Code Editor for RobotFramework


Can we use Visual Studio Code Editor for Robot framework test automation.

If so, could you please let me know the procedure on how to link Visual Studio code with robot framework.

i have installed bot visual studio code and robot framework in my machine, but dont know how to go forward, link both and work.



Robot Framework is text based and will read *.robot and *.resource files.

There are two interesting Plugins for VSCode.

I would recomment to work with
Robot Framework Language Server

This is unter active development right now and improves from time to time. It has also a possibility to execute robot tests.

An older but also quite good Plugin is
Robot Framework Intellisense FORK

This is a fork the original Robot Framework Intellisense Plugin, with some bugfixes and imporvements.
This has also some nice features, but over time the first one will be better.


I’m a huge fan of the language server. It has made development and debugging (and linting) in VS Code for Robot Framework so much better!