NoSuchDriverException: Message: Unable to obtain driver for chrome using Selenium Manager.; For documentation on this error, please visit: Unable to Locate Driver Error | Selenium
NoSuchDriverException: Message: Unable to obtain driver for firefox using Selenium Manager.; For documentation on this error, please visit: Unable to Locate Driver Error | Selenium
I tried the internet searching but do not get them launched.
SeleniumLibrary and the underlying Selenium works with robot framework and all the browsers now, there was a short period of time where things didn’t work because google changes the way drivers interacted with chrome, then Selenium got updated to work with the new webdrivers but that broke SeleniumLibrary. The old webdrivers didn’t work with newer Selenium and older Selenium didn’t work with newer web drivers
Basically avoid the versions mentioned in that thread I linked before, I’d suggest just getting the newest Selenium and SeleniumLibrary.
In the early days you needed to manually download the webdrivers for Selenium (not just for robot framework’s SeleniumLibrary, but for any tool that used Selenium.
Later there came tools like webdrivermanager that would download the webdrivers and setup the path for you automatically, this made life easier as whenever a browser got updated you could just run a single command to update the webdriver, unfortunately the chrome change also broke this tool
The post I linked basically gives you the ability to do what webdrivermanager did but within robot framework, the Selenium Manager should download the webdriver where Selenium wants them as Selenium Manager is aparently part of Selenium
So with robotframework-seleniumlibrary 6.2.0 and selenium 4.16.0 that you have the Selenium Manager code I gave in that other thread should install the webdriver for Chrome >114
If you’re still getting NoSuchDriverException, check the path that was returned with ${driverpath} by Update Chrome Webdriver and check if that is in your os’s path variable
So nice of you for your time, Dave.
I tried with a pure clean install again and found out that the chromedriver.exe is being copied here and then also added the path to the Windows Path variables there: - For Chrome C:\Users\munee.wdm\drivers\chromedriver\win64\121.0.6167.57\chromedriver-win32/chromedriver.exe - For Firefox