Anyone come across this?
Adding keyword ‘wait_until_page_does_not_contain_element’ to library ‘SeleniumLibrary’ failed: Calling dynamic method ‘get_keyword_arguments’ failed: Return value must be list of strings.
I notice that robot cannot find SeleniumLibrary Keywords anymore. Will appreciate any help.
Installed packages:
Package Version
apipkg 1.5
appdirs 1.4.4
atomicwrites 1.3.0
attrs 19.3.0
certifi 2021.5.30
cffi 1.14.5
chardet 3.0.4
colorama 0.4.4
contextlib2 0.6.0.post1
coverage 5.5
cryptography 3.4.7
decorator 5.0.9
distlib 0.3.2
dnspython 1.16.0
execnet 1.7.1
filelock 3.0.12
hostsman 1.1.5
idna 2.8
importlib-metadata 0.23
jsonpath-rw 1.4.0
jsonpath-rw-ext 1.2.2
jsonschema 3.2.0
mock 3.0.5
more-itertools 7.2.0
numpy 1.20.3
objectpath 0.6.1
packaging 19.2
pandas 1.2.4 12.0.1
pbr 5.6.0
pip 21.1.2
pluggy 0.13.0
ply 3.11
psutil 5.8.0
py 1.8.0
pycparser 2.20
Pygments 2.9.0
pyjsonselect 0.2.2
pyOpenSSL 20.0.1
pyparsing 2.4.2
pyrsistent 0.17.3
pytest 5.2.2
pytest-shutil 1.7.0
python-dateutil 2.8.0
pytz 2019.3
pywin32 301
requests 2.22.0
robotframework 3.1.2
robotframework-datadriver 0.3.3
robotframework-httpctrl 0.1.6
robotframework-jsonlibrary 0.3.1
robotframework-jsonvalidator 2.0.0
robotframework-pythonlibcore 3.0.0
robotframework-requests 0.6.2
robotframework-seleniumlibrary 5.1.3
robotframework-SikuliLibrary 1.0.8
selenium 3.141.0
setuptools 56.0.0
six 1.12.0
termcolor 1.1.0
tox 3.0.0
urllib3 1.25.11
virtualenv 20.4.7
wcwidth 0.1.7
winregistry 0.8.3
xlrd 1.2.0
zipp 0.6.0