Errors for multiple keywords


Tech stalk I am using is as follows:
Eclipse, Selenium, Python, Robot framework, RED editor.

The same script was running properly previously but now I got new system and I have import it here. I am getting errors 'Unknown Keyword" for all the keywords . e.g. sleep, log to console, get current date. Code is as follows.

Library  Selenium2Library          
Library  DateTime
Library  BuiltIn
Resource    ../Variables.robot
Test Teardown  Close all browsers  


*** Test Cases ***
TC ID : 1
    [Documentation]  To verify: "Filters  functionality is working"
    ${CurrentDate}   Get Current Date  result_format=%m%d%Y%H%M%S
    Set Screenshot Directory    ${ScreenShotFolder}/${CurrentDate}
 sleep  2 

log to console   Total Rows= ${rows}

Error screenshot.

RED doesn’t support Robot Framework 4 and therefore keyword discovery doesn’t work.

I have installed robot 3.2.2.
Now I need to add seleniumlibrary by doing quick fix.
Is there anyway to do it in one go as I have around 52 scripts and it is not feasible to do it by going to every script one by one.