When use rerunfailedsuites argu and no failed test suite, whether response pass not eror

when use rerunfailedsuites argu and no failed test suite, whether response pass not eror.
if the first run is all pass, it means fail suite is zero, it should run test report pass. when we merge test result, it just ignore the second one. else i need to write some shell scripts to write some logic in jenkins. it does not very easy to use and friendly.
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo “ALL PASS”
exit 0

robot --rerunfailedsuites /Users/ming.ni/Downloads/testfailure/report/output_original.xml -d /Users/ming.ni/Downloads/testfailure/report --output output_rerun.xml --report report_rerun.html --log log_rerun.html /Users/ming.ni/Downloads/testfailure/
[ ERROR ] Collecting failed suites from ‘/Users/ming.ni/Downloads/testfailure/report/output_original.xml’ failed: All suites passed.