I have this .bat and trying to rerun failed test’s
cd C:\Users\Robot
robot --output original.xml -d C:\tema/RESULTS_D_runresulta_a --variable BROWSER_SELECTED:firefox --include TEST .
robot –rerunfailed original.xml -d C:\tema/RESULTS_D_runresulta_a --output rerun.xml --variable BROWSER_SELECTED:firefox --include TEST .
rebot --outputdir C:\tema/RESULTS_D_runresulta_a --merge C:\tema/RESULTS_D_runresulta_a/original.xml C:\tema/RESULTS_D_runresulta_a/rerun.xml
What could be the problem when also passed test’s are re-run?
Test has been re-executed and results merged.
New status: PASS
Old status: PASS