Single --rerunfailed command based on any execution type

Is there a single command to re-run failed test cases from the original_result_output.xml files generated by following execution types:

  1. Execution by tags:

robot --report original_result_report.html --output original_result_output.xml -i <test_tags> tests

Rerun: works fine

robot --report report.html --output rerun_output.xml -R original_result_output.xml tests

  1. Execution by Robot file:

robot --report original_result_report.html --output original_result_output.xml <path_to_robot_file>

Rerun: Same command as for tags-execution doesn’t work

robot --report report.html --output rerun_output.xml -R original_result_output.xml tests


'[ ERROR ] Suite ‘Tests’ contains no tests matching name <test_suite_name.test_case_name, …>

Rerun: providing path to the robot file from original execution makes it work

robot --report report.html --output rerun_output.xml -R original_result_output.xml <path_to_robot_file>

  1. Specific test cases:

robot --report original_result_report.html --output original_result_output.xml --test <test_id> <path_to_robot_file>

Rerun: also works only when providing a path to robot file from original execution

robot --report report.html --output rerun_output.xml -R original_result_output.xml <path_to_robot_file>

Rerun: Same command as for tags-execution also doesn’t work and throws the same error

robot --report report.html --output rerun_output.xml -R original_result_output.xml tests


'[ ERROR ] Suite ‘Tests’ contains no tests matching name <test_suite_name.test_case_name, …>

Is there any way to same command for tags/test_names/path_to_files executions for re-running tests based on output.xml?