RIDE changes Arguments and Documentation tags incorrectly

I am having a problem when my Keyword is having too many arguments to fit in one line.

My Keyword
[Arguments]    ${First_arg}    ${Second_arg}
...   ${Third_arg}    ${Fourth_arg}

If I have [Documentation] tag and put it before [Arguments] tag I write it like this:

My Keyword
[Documentation] Some Documentation for My Keyword
[Arguments]    ${First_arg}    ${Second_arg}
...   ${Third_arg}    ${Fourth_arg}

But, when after saving the file RIDE automatically place it after [Arguments] tag and messes up the code. When trying to run the test it reports the error that My Keyword have only 2 arguments instead of 4. It looks like this:

My Keyword
[Arguments]    ${First_arg}    ${Second_arg}
[Documentation] Some Documentation for My Keyword
...   ${Third_arg}    ${Fourth_arg}

I am using RIDE v2.0.8.1.

Does anyone have a similar problem?

@Ivbot That was a known bug and it is fixed in current development or v2.1a3 version.
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