Hi everyone,
My project requires testing on mobile devices (Android, iOS)
I can automate emulator Android and real device Android as well as simulator iOS (safari only)
Now I’m blocking with:
- simulator iOS: testing on Chrome and Firefox, so far I cannot install these applications on iOS simulator
- Real device iOS: I can open Safari and Chrome browser, but it stucks at typing URL, and I also see the requirement to turn on Siri.
I’m using these keywords:
- Open Application ${local_url} | platformName=${caps[‘platformName’]} | platformVersion=${caps[‘platformVersion’]} | deviceName=${caps[‘deviceName’]} | app=${IOS_SAFARI_BUNDLEID} | udid=${caps[‘udid’]}
- Go to url | ${TEST_URL}
Seem like the Go to URL keyword does not work on real iOS device. Does anyone have an idea or similar project that I could review?
Thanks for your help