Same code for Browsers and Devices

We are using same code for All Browsers and Devices using SeleniumLibrary. Most of them works fine in all but some of the keywords not supporting in ios /android / safari. Do we need to code for browsers and devices with different library? Please advice


Did not tested it, but why not replacing the incompatible keywords by variables?

And define the variables as SUITE variables in a setup, depending of the device browser:

Something like this:

VAR    ${clickcontainer}    ${EMPTY}
IF    '${device}' == 'IOS'
    VAR    ${clickcontainer}    Click Element    scope=SUITE
ELSE IF    '${device}' == 'ANDROID'
    VAR    ${clickcontainer}    Click Button    scope=SUITE


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Thanks Charlie. I already tried for each browser and device like still having issues.
For example
For Safari Input key doesn’t work but works for all
For validation I want to check with empty in input. This one doesn’t work on ios but works all other
Android lots of issue