PabotSharedLibrary Selenium2Library ISSUE


I’m trying to use the Pabotsharedlibrary by wrapping Selenium2Library in this way:

Library pabot.SharedLibrary Selenium2Library
Library PabotLib
Resource …/…/cp_classic_keywords/filelocators.robot
Resource OpenClassicURL.robot
Suite Setup Run Setup Only Once Open Classic URL ${URL}
Test Teardown run keyword and ignore error Open Checkpoint In New Tab
Suite Teardown Run Teardown Only Once run keyword and ignore error run keywords Checkpoint Logout AND Close All Browsers

When I run this suite with

pabot --pabotlib --testlevelsplit

Than such error appearing:

Multiple keywords with name ‘set selenium implicit wait’ found. Give the full name of the keyword you want to use:
Selenium2Library.Set Selenium Implicit Wait
pabot.SharedLibrary.Set Selenium Implicit Wait

Could you help me to understand why is it happening?

when I’m trying to force to use the shared library by code

Set Library Search Order pabot.SharedLibrary

I’m having next error:

Keyword ‘pabot.SharedLibrary.Wait For Condition’ got positional argument after named arguments.

It’s not happening when I’m using Selenium2Library without pabot.SharedLibrary.


Is SeleniumLibrary2 imported anywhere else?
Also please use SeleniumLibrary and not SeleniumLibrary2. SeleniumLibrary2 is not anymore maintained.

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Thank You for quick response !

So I changed the SeleniumLibrary2 to just SeleniumLibrary. And now I’me getting this error:

TypeError: wait_for_condition() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘return window.document.readyState’

Here is this Wait For Condition call:

Wait for condition return window.document.readyState==‘complete’ timeout=60s

This error is not happening when I’m not using SharedLibrary.

Also when I commented the line of code with ‘Wait For Condition’ it’s failed on the next wait:

#  Wait for condition  return window.document.readyState=='complete'  timeout=60s
Wait Until Page Contains Element  //span[text()="${Metatab}"]  timeout=30s

The Error:

  1. TypeError: wait_until_page_contains_element() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘//span[text()’

It seems like something is wrong with reading the text after ‘=’ symbol…

Thanks for sharing this information. I am facing similar kind of issue

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Hi Vandervort,

I suggest you start a new thread and clarify the error you received along with the robot keywords you are using rather than dragging up this old thread. You could link to this thread in your post if you think it’s relevant.
