Mandatory Click Allow Location In Browser

I need to click on Allow Location Alert/dialogue which will load the rest of the content. If I am using grant permission=true, then required content for entering flight details not loading.
So it’s mandatory to click on allow location as shown in screenshot:

So requesting the forum to kindly suggest me how to enable my browser library to click explicitly on allow button?
@falcon030 @KévinGDR @René Browser Browser-Dev

You can use the KW called Handle Alert

Thanks friend!
But I can’t use it because my framework uses browser library and i have used
Accept future dialogues
in browser library, that also didn’t work.

@Mtest6835 So when you use Grant Permissions geolocation you cannot proceed with your test?


Did you try Browser’s Wait For Alert keyword?

See Help how to Handle alert and validate messages


Yes…then content is not loading and page is blank.
Expected is that a page with origin destination date elements should appear.

Dear Charlie

I tried wait for alert.
Thats also did not work.

@Mtest6835 What happens if you use the following code?

New Browser    browser=chromium    headless=False
New Context
Set Geolocation     60.173708    24.982263    3 
Grant Permissions    geolocation  

And then the rest of your code.