Log.html (robot test) Azure

Hi, In Azure DevOps I have set up a pipeline (CI) with robot tests that are started with a powershell script.

Now I want to integrate these test results (log.html) into a dashboard (passed / failed / history / duration testing).

Is it a logical place to view your test results in Azure, or are other dashboards available where you can write your log.html (robot) logging of your pipeline build?

Please hear it and thank you for the responses!

Log.html format is not supported by Azure. See: Publish Test Results task - Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Docs

You could also generate xunit report and use that to publish the results to test tab in azure devops … and if you need to get the log.html too, you could store that as build artifact.

Thanks for the respons.

I have did that to store it as a build artifact. And it works. But this way you can download a html file.

But you don’t have a dashboard in Azure where you see your failed / successful / duration / history results from your robot tests. I have seen an extension PublishHTMLReports, But it is mainly used for jMeter. Someone has experience with this?