Library Dialogs

I’ve installed and configurated eclipse + robotframework3.2.2 + python3 (3.11 orc1) but library “Dialogs” shows up not accessible. Anybody has any solutions?

When click on the Dialogs show up: Unable to open documentation for library ‘Dialogs’ from 'null

and this library " Diaglos" is on the Robot Standard libraries

Correct: “Dialogs”

Without proper details, wild guess would be that you have installed python without Tkinter support. If you are on Windows, run the installer again and there’s a checkbox to be checked that you want tkinter installed. On linux, tk is usually separate package but name varies from distro to distro … Mac brew installation should include tkinter by default.

To expand on what @rasjani said, the check box option for tkinter on the windows installer is a little confusing as it asks if you want to install IDLE, rather than asking you if you want to install tkinter, so make sure you select to install IDLE on windows.