FlaUI.webdriver error

Using flaui.webdriver in VM gives me this error:

fail: FlaUI.WebDriver.Controllers.ErrorController[0]
      Returning WebDriver error response with error code 'unknown error'
      System.TimeoutException: UIA Timeout
       ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80131505): 0x80131505
         at Interop.UIAutomationClient.CUIAutomation8Class.ElementFromHandle(IntPtr hwnd)
         at FlaUI.UIA3.UIA3Automation.<>c__DisplayClass37_0.<FromHandle>b__0()
         at FlaUI.Core.Tools.Com.Call[T](Func`1 nativeAction)
         --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

With another .exe it works ok.
Apparently it is a timeout

How can I solve it?

Maybe you should post this issue to the FlaUI.WebDriver github repo.

good idea
thanks David