I have an error when I run my Tests, they fail only in my computer…
The message is :
WebDriverException: Message:
[ Message content over the limit has been removed. ]
The webserver reported that an error occurred while trying to access the website. Please return to the previous page.
I don’t understant what is the origin of this problem, I just have look for browsers and webdrivers versions, they are in compatibility between themselves, if someone can help me please…
That’s a pretty generic error, and it seems you trimmed out the bits that actually tells you why you got that error, so you’ve made it difficult for anyone to help you.
A quick google of that error seems to indicates its a generic error that gets thrown when geckodriver is used incorrectly (possibly an invalid command line option?)
can we start with
an example robot file that will produce this error for you
your os and its version
your python version
the version of your python modules (robot framework, framework-browser, etc)
your nodejs version
did you run rfbrowser init after you re-installed?
I’m not an expert on framework-browser, but i’ll try to help, just need to know what the starting point is.
Ok that clears up a little confusion, firstly you posted this in the wrong area, this section if for browser library not selenium. FYI browser library uses playwright instead of selenium to drive the web browser, but I notice you don’t even have browser library installed, so that was part of the confusion.
Next you should not be using Selenium2Library, it’s old and deprecated, you should use the much newer and maintained SeleniumLibrary. Selenium2Library was only there to ease the migration when both were at version 3.0.0, so i’m not surprised given SeleniumLibrary is version 5.1.3 that Selenium2Library is not working with much newer webdrivers (in this case gecko driver) and much newer selenium versions.
I suggest you retry your scripts with SeleniumLibrary instead of Selenium2Library, then if you are still having issues post again in the Selenium section of this forum
For your information, I have just encountered your issue and after many time passed on the understanding, I have found what is wrong : incompatibility between some libraries.
Indeed, in my case, I have update robotframework-seleniumlibrary with the last update. But when I have do this, the library selenium has been updated at the same time, and induced the error.
I have rollback with the previous version and all is OK.
I hope this will help you, even if the problem dates from more 1 year