I was getting this error after upgrading selenium and other depended libraries. I updated the browser code but facing some issues. If I run chrome and its running in Firefox and also getting some errors. Please guide me what needs to be change in below code. Currently getting TypeError: WebDriver.init() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘browser_profile’
${chrome options} = Evaluate sys.modules[‘selenium.webdriver’].ChromeOptions() sys
&{bstack_options} Create Dictionary os=Windows osVersion=10 browserVersion=124
${remoteUrl} Set Variable #BrowserStack URL goes here
&{desiredCapabilities} Create Dictionary browserName=Chrome selenium_version=4.1.0 use_w3c=false options.set_capability=${bstack_options} keep_alive=true
Open Browser remote_url=${remoteUrl} desired_capabilities=${desiredCapabilities} options=${chrome options}