Unable to pass "Selenoid:Options" in robot framework java

I am using robot framework Java version for test automation.
For remote execution we are using “Selenoid” with chrome90 image.
Below is the configuration and keyword i have done to pass the desired capabilities.

public String getCapabilities() {
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
options.setCapability(“selenoid:options”, new HashMap<String, Object>(){
put(“enableVNC”, true);

    DesiredCapabilities crcapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
    //crcapabilities.setCapability(ChromeOptions.CAPABILITY, options);
    crcapabilities.setCapability("enableVNC", true);

return crcapabilities.toJson().toString();

used the above Java method and created a custom robot keyword.

Below are the Robot Keywords for launching browser with desired capability

Log To Console “Test Started”
Sleep 2
Create Screenshot Folder
Open Browser ${SSO_URL} ${Browser} None desired_capabilities=${desired caps}

But in the execution below warning is thrown and my test execution is not displayed in Selenoid UI.

[ WARN ] Invalid desiredCapabilities: desired_capabilities={enableVNC=true}

Could some one help me with the right syntax to pass the capabilities in robot framework.
Library version -


	<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.github.hi-fi/robotframework-seleniumlibrary -->


Note - when i use the same capabilities and run tests using Protractor/ Java, Selenium framework it works fine i am able to view the test execution on selenoid.

desired_capabilities does not work anymore.
how to pass the enableVNC and enableVideo=True now in browser options for Robot Framework?

For the record this is the correct way to use Selenoid with Robot Framework passing the arguments in the browser options in chrome:

${selenoid_args} Create Dictionary enableVNC=${True} enableVideo=${True}

Open Browser ${URL} ${BROWSER} remote_url=${SELENOID_SERVER}