Condition in robot framework (appium) on android

I tried to set condition in robot framework (appium) why they don’t know what the different spot
${stock}= Get Text id=com.seniorsoft.Gabana3:id/switchStock
#just Text and Checked to notice they are different I also did
${stock}= Element Should Be Disabled id=com.seniorsoft.Gabana3:id/switchStock
${stock}= Element Should Be Enabled id=com.seniorsoft.Gabana3:id/switchStock
Run Keyword If ‘${stock}’ == ‘OFF’ stock on hand to open
… ELSE stock on hand to add minimum
${stock}= id=com.seniorsoft.Gabana3:id/switchStock checked
Run Keyword If ‘${stock}’ == ‘false’ stock on hand to open
… ELSE stock on hand to add minimum
So they did not work
Help me, please