Can 'Settings' be used with 'Open Application' keyword?

Hello, I would like to understand whether it is possible to include Appium settings in the ‘Open Application’ keyword, and whether or not settings are support in RF.

For context, I need to use the ‘waitForIdleTimeout’ setting (set to 100ms) in Appium to workaround long delays when clicking some elements in my app - I have tested this in python and this setting resolved the delay.

I would now like to set this up with Robot Framework, but I’m not sure it is possible to do so as the ‘Open Application’ keyword documentation does not mention settings, rather capabilities. Does Robot Framework support Appium settings? Is there another approach I could take? Thank you for reading.

Should be possible with something like this:

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Thank you so much for the quick reply. I confirm that this works, which suggests that Appium settings are supported by the ‘Open Application’ keyword.

I’ll add that this also works in the following format:
