Hello, I am starting robot framework and I would like a little help, I created a condition but it does not work, attached the part of my script that does not work, basically I would like that if it sees the current date in the xpath it executes the if condition.
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%d%m%Y
log ${d}
${Verification_dossier} = Element Should Contain xpath=/html/body/oo-app/main/div/oui-filebrowser-browser/oui-filebrowser-browser-directive/div ${d}
log ${Verification_dossier}
run keyword if ${Verification_dossier}== 'PASS' Keyword True
… ELSE Keyword False
*** Keywords ***
Keyword True
Double Click Element xpath=//span[contains(.,’${d}’)]
Log to console OK
Close Browser
Keyword False
Log to console KO