Can I write Unit tests for the my existing RobotFramework Tests

Hi All,

I am recently learning and implementing the RobotFramework at my work… my manager asked me to write the Unit test cases for those RobotFramework Tests that I wrote…

Is it feasible? Is it possible? If Yes, how can I write those unit tests…

Note: I’m not even writing the exact tests (I’m not using any assertions) as this is just a simulation activity to create orders through the given website.

Please let me know…
Thank you.

You have to take a look to the unit tests and acceptance tests, of RobotFramework itself.

Your “unit tests” can be based on the “acceptance” tests of the framework.
Just fork or clone the repository at GitHub - robotframework/robotframework: Generic automation framework for acceptance testing and RPA
and then see the atests and how they are structured.