Troubleshooting DB exception through robot framework calling python DB code

Hello, I worked on robot framework recently and there is an existing project to test.

Run command line in git bash as follows (from security purpose, I could not give exact info)
powershell .build/xxx.ps1 -{var1} val1 -{var2} val2 … -testName "Test that at Head of Line…"

I got a exception from python DB code. I wonder

  1. Is it possible that I could see trace stack? for example, which python files and which lines throws exception from bottom to top,
  2. how to debug this test case by Pycharm or other IDE? (some screenshoot woudl be great!)

Thanks for the help.

Test that at Head of Line … (robot framwork test case)

| FAIL | (could not find any track stack info, I even don’t know which file or line throwns exception)
DBAPIError: (pyodbc.Error) (‘HY000’, '[HY000] [DataDirect][ODBC OpenAccess SDK driver][OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine]UPDATE failed: Unable to update column XXX (python library calls DB update)