Calling Errors from Library - No Exception Raised?

Hi there, I’m running into a problem where exceptions imported from robot.api.exceptions in my custom library are not actually raising. The keyword passes when it should be throwing an exception

I have put together a small example library and test suite to explain.

From the docstring of

Exceptions that libraries can use for communicating failures and other events.
These exceptions can be imported also via the top level :mod:robot.api package like from robot.api import SkipExecution.

from robot.api import ContinuableFailure, Failure, Error, FatalError
from robot.api.logger import info, error

class ErrorTest:
    def e_fail(self):
        info('exec Failure()')
        Failure('this should fail')

    def e_cont_fail(self):
        info('exec ContinuableFailure()')

    def e_error(self):
        error('exec Error()')
        Error('some text')
    def e_fatal_error(self):
        error('exec FatalError()')


*** Settings ***
Library             libraries/

*** Test Cases ***
Try All Errors
    E Fail
    E Cont Fail
    E Error
    E Fatal Error

Expect Error To Fail
    Run Keyword And Expect Error   *     E Fail

Test Execution Results

$ robot Errors.robot

[ ERROR ] exec Error()
[ ERROR ] exec FatalError()
Try All Errors                                                        | PASS |
Expect Error To Fail                                                  | FAIL |
Expected error '*' did not occur.
Errors                                                                | FAIL |
2 tests, 1 passed, 1 failed

Ah, I figured it out, FatalError() et al. are not imported functions but are exceptions, and must be called with raise.


def e_error():
        error('exec Error()')
        raise Error('some text')