SMPP library for robot framework

Is there such a library?
I need to be able to receive sms from working smpp server (so I’m only interested in client part) and parse it, check it etc.

Hi Alex,

A quick google search didn’t find one, however there is a python module for SMPP so you could easily create one, or at least enough SMPP keywords as you need for your tests.



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Thank you, but when it comes to using python modules, I guess I could use pyprotosim to do what I need:

Hi Alex,

I don’t know anything about pyprotosim, but from a quick look at the link you gave, it looks like you’d need to use it to implement the SMPP protocol, this seems like a lot of work when there is already a SMPP python module that provides you example python code for implementing a SMPP client.

All you need to do is using those examples, create some robot framework python keywords.

Many of the keyword libraries are written in python, and the process to create python keywords is well documented

I have created a small keyword library (PerfmonLibrary) which you are free to use as a template to help you get started, if you get stuck just ask and I’ll try to help.


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