Set Global Timeout and Timeout in RPA.WINDOWS

Good night friends!
I am using to automate some desktop processes.
When specifying a Timeout for Keyword Control Window or Set Global Timeout the test takes 180 seconds to break.
Note in the log below that more than one search is done taking 60 seconds between them, but a 5 second time -out was specified for testing.

Python 3.11.3
robotframework 6.1.1
rpaframework 27.5.0
rpaframework-windows 7.4.1

Any tips?


*** Settings ***
Library RPA.Windows
*** Variables ***

*** Test Cases ***
test one
Set Global Timeout 5
Control Window class:Notepad
*** Keywords ***

KEYWORD RPA.Windows . Control Window class:Notepad
Controls the window defined by the locator.
Tags: window
Start / End / Elapsed: 20240616 20:13:31.875 / 20240616 20:15:33.340 / 00:02:01.465
20:13:31.942 INFO Getting element with locator: class:Notepad and type:WindowControl

20:13:31.942 INFO Resulted root element: WindowsElement(item=<uiautomation.uiautomation.PaneControl object at 0x00000213E60BD9D0>, locator=‘class:Notepad and type:WindowControl’, name=‘Área de Trabalho 1’, automation_id=‘’, control_type=‘PaneControl’, class_name=‘#32769’, left=0, right=1920, top=0, bottom=1080, width=1920, height=1080, xcenter=960, ycenter=540)
20:13:31.942 INFO Locator ‘class:Notepad and type:WindowControl’ produced matcher: MatchObject(locators=[(‘ClassName’, ‘Notepad’, 0), (‘ControlType’, ‘WindowControl’, 0)], _classes={‘notepad’}, max_level=0)

20:14:32.676 INFO Getting element with locator: class:Notepad and type:PaneControl

20:14:32.676 INFO Resulted root element: WindowsElement(item=<uiautomation.uiautomation.PaneControl object at 0x00000213E5ECBA50>, locator=‘class:Notepad and type:PaneControl’, name=‘Área de Trabalho 1’, automation_id=‘’, control_type=‘PaneControl’, class_name=‘#32769’, left=0, right=1920, top=0, bottom=1080, width=1920, height=1080, xcenter=960, ycenter=540)

20:14:32.676 INFO Locator ‘class:Notepad and type:PaneControl’ produced matcher: MatchObject(locators=[(‘ClassName’, ‘Notepad’, 0), (‘ControlType’, ‘PaneControl’, 0)], _classes={‘notepad’}, max_level=0)

20:15:33.340 INFO 2024-06-16 20:14:32.676[274] _get_control_from_params → Find Control Timeout(5.0s): {ClassName: ‘Notepad’, ControlType: WindowControl}
2024-06-16 20:15:33.340[274] _get_control_from_params → Find Control Timeout(5.0s): {ClassName: ‘Notepad’, ControlType: PaneControl}

20:15:33.340 FAIL WindowControlError: Could not locate window with locator: ‘class:Notepad’ (timeout: 5.0)