Seeking Open-Source Solution for Robot Framework Test Report Analysis

Hello Robot Framework Community,

I’m reaching out to gather insights on free and open-source platforms for comprehensive test report analysis. Specifically, I’m looking for a solution that can help me:

  1. Aggregate Robot Framework test reports from multiple test runs
  2. Identify and track the most frequently failing test cases over extended periods
  3. Provide visual insights into test performance trends
  4. Be open-source/free for use

Currently, I’ve been manually reviewing reports, which is time-consuming and lacks systematic trend analysis. I’m hoping someone can recommend:

  • Existing open-source tools
  • Custom scripting approaches
  • Community-developed solutions for parsing Robot Framework XML/JSON reports

Best regards,


You can take a look there:

And there:

About second link, with RF API you can easily extract infos from xml file (with Visitor).
Then feed for example a database (MYSQL or PostGre), with Grafana to display and customize views.


There are also a couple of recordings from Robocon 2024 that might be useful for your inquiry:

On Robot Framework slack, there were a couple of tools recently advertised:

I tried this. But I am unable to see UI. To be more clear. How can I make code to run in the local host. can someone pls here
reportportal/agent-Python-RobotFramework at master

i am using 2 listeners, report portal (so I can log attachments, like traces, screenshots / artifacts generally) a and elastic with kibana so I can have a better visibility on longer periods of time , elapsed time of steps, api responses in time etc are better to view here than in report portal. so I took advantage of both. the listener for elastic is quite straitght forward , just send what ever you need to elastic on robot events. i log suite statues, test step statuses and possible error messages, tags, elapsed time and so on)