Help looping and comparing lists


I am trying to check all the text values at a given class match those in original list but I’m a bit confused. I’ve looped through all the texts, put them in @{list1} but when I try to compare with @{original-list} it’s not working wit the error: No keyword with name ‘BLAH1’ found.

Verify System Names
        @{original-system-header-text}    BLAH1    BLAH2    BLAH3    BLAH4
        @{system-header-text}=   Get WebElements    //*[@class="system-header-text"]
		FOR	${element}	IN    @{system-header-text}
			 ${temp-list}=  Get Text    ${element} 

Lists Should Be Equal   @{original-system-header-text}   ${temp-list}

Well, your problem is not directly related to SeleniumLibrary, but to variable handling in general.
Direct assigning is not possible (yet), so BLAH1 is the name of a called keyword.
There are other problems in using list variables. I have prepared a runable test for you to see the differences.

| *** Settings *** |
| Library        | Collections |

| *** Variables *** |
| &{MEMORY}      | elem1=BLAH1 | elem2=BLAH2 | elem3=BLAH3 | elem4=BLAH2 |

| *** Test Cases *** |
| Verify System Names |
|    | @{original-system-header-text}= | Create List | BLAH1 | BLAH2 | BLAH3 | BLAH4 |
|    | @{system-header-text}= | Get WebElements | //*[@class="system-header-text"] |
|    | ${temp-list}= | Create List |
|    | FOR | ${element} | IN | @{system-header-text} |
|    |    | ${temp}= | Get Text | ${element} |
|    |    | Append To List | ${temp-list} | ${temp} |
|    | END |
|    | Lists Should Be Equal | ${original-system-header-text} | ${temp-list} |

| *** Keywords *** |
| Get WebElements |
|    | [Arguments] | ${arg} |
|    | @{values}= | Create List | elem1 | elem2 | elem3 | elem4 |
|    | RETURN | ${values} |

| Get Text |
|    | [Arguments] | ${element} |
|    | RETURN | ${MEMORY["${element}"]} |

Thank you very much. This is very helpful I am using it now and will see if it works.

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