Run Keyword And Return Status ---keyword always returning status as PASS


Run Keyword And Return Status —keyword always returning status as PASS even if element not visible.

Is there any way to return True/False or PASS/FAIL without failing that keyword

Check If Element Present
[Arguments] ${locator_xpath} ${html_page_name}
Wait For Complete Page Load
${formatted_log}= Add Log Info Checking locator ${locator_xpath} is Present or not
Log To Console ${formatted_log}
${keyword_status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Wait Until Element Is Visible ${locator_xpath} 30s
[Return] ${keyword_status}

The documentation says it returns True or False, see the below image:

You probably need to use another keyword to get the result from Wait Until Element Is Visible.

I would guess the Run Keyword And Return Status is actually not needed at all. You typically use it on keywords when a Fail by the keyword is an expected outcome (or at least a common occurance).

Check kw Page Should Contain Element - probably that suits better there