My goal is to better understand the log file TRACE section RETURN. I have found that at times I get a test that is false positive. I wish to eliminate this type of result.
Test 1: I want to validate that a checkbox is selected.
Checkbox Should Be Selected //*[@ID=“blah”]
Test passes
Trace Results section of Log file reflects:
TRACE Return: None
Test 2: I want to compare two dates to see if equal.
Should Be Equal ${date1} ${date2}
Test passes
Trace Results section of Log file reflects:
TRACE Return: ‘2022/10/19’
For test 1 What does Return: None mean?
For Test 2 I understand the return and both variables have the same value so I agree test passes
The keyword works like an assertion and not a question if I’m not mistaken (I don’t use seleniumlibrary)
So, if you wanted a return here rather than none for what your seeing, you could pair it with a keyword from the builtin library, for which the keyword Run Keyword And Return Status is probably what you’d be looking for, in which converts the pass/fail into a True/False return flag, and just incase you’ve not used builtin keywords before, these are always available as a standard library, so you shouldn’t need to do anything.
You could also write the locator as id:blah never actually seen @id in an XPath in uppercase “@ID”
Hope that helps to possibly answer your question.
Note: always worth noting the library/s you are using in future posts.
My question pertains to the output log file and not specific to a library. When you run tests and have an output file there is a RETURN section. It is that section within then file I am trying to better understand.
Then when the HTML files are generated, no there’s no trace information in report.html as this is just a summary of the test results, but you will see it in the log.html
First hint is the Log level drop down:
This doesn’t appear when you run robot without specifying an increased log level. if you want a way to pragmatically detect if trace was on in a test, you could use xpaths like:
//msg[@level="TRACE"] on output.xml
//div[@id="log-level-selector"]//option[@value=0] on log.html