The RPA challenge is a common way to test different tools’ capabilities. Here’s an example of solving the “input forms” challenge with Robot Framework. Interestingly the straight-forward implementation will finish in nine seconds, but with just a few optimizations, it can do it in under 1.5 seconds.
Yes. However, I cannot run it in 1.5 seconds, even the solution from robocorp team. Might be my workstation where it takes twice as long.
I moved loading the data from the excel file before clicking the Start button and was able to speed it up by another 15%. Maybe you can push it in your environment below 1 second
It would be interesting to know what takes up that extra time. I did a live Q&A session yesterday and I showed a quick demo in the beginning. There you can see that my RPA Form Challenge actually completed in 920ms - even with the Zoom session taxing my CPU. Here a video of it