Library for RPA: rpaframework

I have started working in Robocorp at the beginning of the year as part of the RPA Framework team.

Our target is to provide Robot Developers with wide set of libraries to implement their software robots.

This has been hectic four months and our work needs to continue hard. We are already at the stage where we can take in public contributions into our repository. All feedback and issue reports on our offering is extremely valuable and appreciated! Our repository is at

Best progress has been done when libraries are implemented together with customer and when supporting real use cases.

There is already inspector feature which allows easy selection of locators from Windows elements, browsers elements and images. More about that in the Hub (

At the moment we have support for following set of features:

  • Browser - Control browsers and automate the web
  • Database - Interact with databases
  • Desktop.Clipboard - Interact with the system clipboard
  • Desktop.OperatingSystem - Read OS information and manipulate processes
  • Desktop.Windows - Automate Windows desktop applications
  • Email.Exchange - E-Mail operations (Exchange protocol)
  • Email.ImapSmtp - E-Mail operations (IMAP & SMTP)
  • Excel.Application - Control the Excel desktop application
  • Excel.Files - Manipulate Excel files directly
  • FileSystem - Read and manipulate files and paths
  • HTTP - Interact directly with web APIs
  • Images - Manipulate images
  • Outlook.Application - Control the Outlook desktop application
  • PDF - Read and create PDF documents
  • Robocloud.Items - Use the Robocloud Work Items API
  • Robocloud.Secrets - Use the Robocloud Secrets API
  • Salesforce - Salesforce operations
  • Slack - Send notifications to Slack channels
  • SAP - Control SAP GUI desktop client
  • Tables - Manipulate, sort, and filter tabular data
  • Word.Application - Control the Word desktop application

This is the situation at the moment, but the target is almost doubling the current offering by our first official release in the beginning of the July. Releases coming at least once a week.

Give the library a try and provide your feedback. Current release version is 0.8.5

pip install rpa-framework


Is this library free?

Yes, it is. :+1:

It is completely open source. You may fork it and make it your own, open issues for it on GitHub, provide pull requests with changes of your own.

1 Like

Thanks for responding, I will take a look and study the available documentation, thanks.

Installed this library but can’t see all keyword. Found in the comments that i have to use admin permission to install this library, and i don’t have it. In my case it can be difficult to use it

the library name is rpaframework without the - … due the Discourse features, the topic could not be edited…

@Noordsestern thanks for editing the topic heading :wink: I could not do that few months ago when I tried…

  1. use to install rpaframework or your usual pip install rpaframework
  2. then in the RFW you need to take appropriate library into use by for example Library RPA.Browser.Selenium to able to use keyword in that library. The rpaframework contains several libraries which are listed in the Github repository or in the

If after those steps you still have some issues, then most probably cause is that Python version you are using is not compatible with the rpaframework.

Please post the operating system and Python version details if you are still facing some issues.

I’m using RFW in PyCharm (Conda with Python 3.10), and have also rpaframework installed via pip. Additionally I’m using now Robot Framework Language Server. Everything works fine so far except rpaframework because it can’t be found. What did I make wrong?