Robot Framework with Python to Run test on already opened chrome browser

I am trying to run a robot test with python in an already opened Chrome browser. Below is the code snippet where am setting debuggerAddress to chromeOption.

             ${service_args}=        Create List   --log-path=${CHROMEDRIVER_LOG}  --verbose
             ${chromeOptions}=       Evaluate    sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].ChromeOptions()  sys,selenium.webdriver
             ${chromeCapabilities}=  Call Method   ${chromeOptions}   to_capabilities
             Set To Dictionary       ${chromeCapabilities["goog:chromeOptions"]}  debuggerAddress
             Create WebDriver        ${browser}   desired_capabilities=${chromeCapabilities}   executable_path=${CHROMEDRIVER_PATH}   service_args=${service_args}
             go to  ${test_url}

Chrome browser is been launched in remote-debugger mode from cmd with specific port assigned
chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=92228 --user-data-dir="C:\Test\ChromeFilesLog"

Despite giving an IP and port , every time i try to run the test, a new chrome browser with different port (not the one given in debuggerAddress) is launched.

Appreciate any help with this issue.

  • Chrome version : Version 103.0.5060.114 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • Chrome Webdriver version : 103.0.5060.134