Remote debugging issue

I want to be able to access a remote machine over SSH using robot framework (4.1.2) and selenium framework that I can analyse the elements that I am showing on a web app. I have been able to do this previous with no issue but my machine has been upgraded to windows 10 and now I’m having trouble. I’m really struggling here am I missing something obvious?

Here is my current implementation but at the moment when this is run, it just shows opens a “data” chrome window which isn’t accessing the remote app.

My current chrome version is 96.0.4664.45 and the chrome driver is up-to-date. However I am aware that the remote machine is using an older version of chrome.

below is my current implementation which was working fine on my windows 7 machine.

sleep 1
Start ssh
${ChromeOptions}= Evaluate sys.modules[‘selenium.webdriver’].ChromeOptions() sys,selenium.webdriver
${ChromeCapabilities}= Call Method ${ChromeOptions} to_capabilities
Set To Dictionary ${ChromeCapabilities[“goog:chromeOptions”]} debuggerAddress
Create WebDriver Chrome desired_capabilities=${ChromeCapabilities}
${session_id} = Get Session Id

when its run I see these messages (before it showed nothing):

DevTools listening on ws://[31836:5356:1206/] [url]: Checking Bluetooth availability started. Please report if there is no report that this ends.
[31836:21544:1206/] [16:27:32.081] USB: Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x1F)
[31836:5356:1206/] Checking Bluetooth availability ended.
[31836:5356:1206/] [url]: Checking default browser status started. Please report if there is no report that this ends.
[31836:21544:1206/] [16:27:32.089] USB: Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x1F)
[31836:21544:1206/] [16:27:32.091] USB: Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x1F)
[31836:5356:1206/] [url]: Checking default browser status ended.

I have had to remove some of the crbug urls as I am a new user :slight_smile:

Hi @jimbery ,

I understand you are trying to run a test that was previously working on Win7 but not now on Wind10, however the information you’ve given is a bit confusing:

  • you talk about connecting to a remote machine over ssh and then about chrome versions but usually these are 2 seperate and unrelated things
  • the snippet you gave appears to only have part of the test case, but you didn’t include the rest of your robot file so we can’t see which libraries you are using
  • the snippet you gave appears to run some custom keyword called “Start ssh” but we can’t see what “Start ssh” does, after that rest of the keywords don’t seem to be related to the SSH session

Can you explain what is not working in your test and clarify how the SSH relates to chrome in your test case?

Or is you issue just that you are getting these messages that you weren’t getting before? but no impact to your test case?

Hopefully if you can clarify what your issue is someone can help you.
