Remote computer

How to run script from my computer to an other remote computer

Thanks a lot for your help

You connect remotely and run the script.

There are so many unknowns and so many possibilities that’s it’s nearly impossible to give a good answer beyond what @HelioGuilherme66 already said.

If you can be more specific about what you want to do we could give you a better answer, for example if your remote computer is Linux with SSH enabled you could use ssh on your local computer to tell the remote computer to run your script assuming the script has already been copied there or is on a common network path/mount, there are similar approaches for Windows and Mac that are possible too provided they are on the same LAN but if they are in different networks then another approach will probably be needed, and what that might be would depend on your setup.


Hi, users have windows computer and we have any Windows computers where i need install Robot Framework for remote test execution. I have search on guide how to install rbf on remote mode but i dont find it.

Rbf is a ssh remote tools?

I need to exécute script manualy from a computer on an other but also i need exécute script from Microfocus Alm on the computer where i will install RBF

@TestPilote Three messages later and we still don’t understand what you want to do!

Please use the button
image ordered list, to create a list with the steps you need for a host computer (server) and a client computer (remote).

Just imagine you are writing a test specification or a bug report for developers/project manager.


Yes i understand

  • i have script
  • i have 6 computer to run script
  • what i need to do to install rbf on 6
  • what i need to do on users computers to call script on 6 computers

This is getting a bit long question/answer post.

  • A possible setup is to have RobotFramework tools at host computer and run tests only there, by using SSHLibrary to each computer.
  • The same setup of only a host computer, but with Jenkins doing the orchestration run of the tests, where each computer is connected to that Jenkins. THIS IS THE MOST FREQUENT SETUP
  • What is the goal of the tests?
    – Must be run by an human in each computer?
    – Must have graphical environment?
    – What is the operating system of each computer?
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Ok i understood i need to install an added component with robotframework.
I thinking rbf Know to do that alone

I will use ssh to call script from microfocus Alm and from users computers


We wiil delete jenkins for cloudbees now :grinning: