Opening Chrome browser from the system and not from .cache

Evey time when i invoke chrome browser it’s opening from my .cache location.

I have a code that changes the browser version in se-metadata.json & deletes the chrome folder in the cache location in suite setup.

but even after that when i try opening the browser the Test version from cache is opening and not the browser from my system (C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe)

Have you tried running it directly, it should be somewhere in your packages, like:

./selenium-manager.exe --trace --browser chrome --offline

And check in logs what is happening,
Basically SE_OFFLINE=true set via env variable should work as --offline switch.

You might add in / turn on debugging with the Selenium Manager, SE_DEBUG=true, to see if you can get more information as to what is happening. It sounds like you are specifying a version somewhere which might start to explain why selenium manager wants to use browsers/drivers from within the .cache folder.