For some reason Chrome is the only one spins with data: not getting to url the same works with all other browsers including firefox and edge. I made sure the chromedriver.exe is in the python/scripts folder.
Any help will be appreciated.
I think most of us would need to see your example code to be able to troubleshoot.
Here is the code:
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
*** variables ***
${Browser} chrome
*** Keywords ***
[Arguments] ${appURL} ${appBrowser}
OPEN BROWSER ${appURL} ${appBrowser}
Maximize Browser Window
${Pgtitle}= Get Title
Log Title
Log {Pgtitle}
Close Browser
*** Test Cases ***
Testing with Browser
[Documentation] Launching the browser
LaunchBrowser ${URL} ${Browser}
When I change it to edge or Firefox, it works. only for chrome it doesn’t work. I have copied the chrome web driver in proper path
Hmmm I just plugged in your example and it ran just fine. Could you try the following code and see if you get a similar issue?
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
*** variables ***
${Browser} chrome
*** Keywords ***
[Arguments] ${appURL} ${appBrowser}
OPEN BROWSER ${appURL} ${appBrowser}
Maximize Browser Window
${Pgtitle}= Get Title
Log ${Pgtitle} WARN
Close Browser
*** Test Cases ***
Testing with Browser
[Documentation] Launching the browser
LaunchBrowser ${URL} ${Browser}
I just want to:
- Make sure it wasn’t a spacing issue as I could not tell from your example code due to formatting in the post.
- See if your version of chrome didn’t like the absence of https or www
Otherwise if this still occurs I would make sure that your version of chrome matches up with your version of chromedriver and that you are certain that there are no other instances of and older chromedriver.exe on your PC that may be causing conflict here.
Any errors in your execution console or the robot framework logs?
Hello @nanduIyer,
I guess you are not asking question to the correct forum,
you should post your question to SeleniumLibrary - Robot Framework
This forum is dedicated to browser library
My driver version
My chrome version
The bottom line is my browser version is
Chrome is up to date
Version 96.0.4664.110 (Official Build) (64-bit)
But the released web driver is . * Latest stable release: ChromeDriver 96.0.4664.45
Still it is not working. The same code worked in another laptop. That is strange.
Sure I will move this