Not able to select element within nested frame

This is the html

Below is the code I am trying to run
user clicks on Business Contacts
Select Frame rowFrames
select Frame colFrames
Select Frame treeFrame
Wait Until Element Is Visible Business Contacts
Click Link Business Contacts

So which of those keywords is failing ?

It is failing at Select Frame rowFrames
[FAIL INSIDE] NoSuchFrameException: Message: no such frame

Hi Chandan,

I was going to suggest using Unselect Frame, but that’s not the problem, I’ll mention it anyway as you might need it later.

What I noticed is that the element with id="rowFrames" is not a frame or iframe, but rather it’s a frameset, no need to do select frame on this, you should be able to directly call select Frame colFrames first.



Hi Dave,

ColFrame is also Frameset.
I tried callling ColFrames first but got the same error message.

And when i tried calling treeFrame then Business Contacts element is not visible.

I was able to click on Business Contacts now using frame treeFrame and then clicking on link instead of trying to find element in the frame.

user clicks on Business Contacts

Select Frame    treeFrame

Click Link   Business Contacts 
Sleep    2s
Click Link    OTC Counterparties
Sleep    2s

I am using explicit sleep at the moment for the nested link to be visible is there any other efficient way to do it as i can’t find and function for wait until link is visible as element one didn’t worked for me.

See the documentation for Wait Until … keywords.

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