New Robot environment on Linux

Hello Experts !

I wish to set a new Robot Framework development environment, it should be on Linux.

Since I wish to start with the most updated versions, what is the recommended combination of Linux OS version, Python version and Robot version?

The web recommendations are not occlusive.

Thanks !

Linux is the best Operating System, at least for me :wink:.
What Linux (GNU-Linux) distribution is the best? That is a very different question.
I prefer Red-Hat based distros, like Fedora, or CentOS, and also Open SuSE (also rpm package based).
Do you like Debian based distro (.deb package based)? Most famous derivative is Ubuntu, but I also like Linux Mint Debian Edition.
My first Linux was Slackware (when Red-Hat was version 0.9 :smile: ).

Just pick your favorite Linux distro, and know how to use its package manager (yum, dnf, zypper, apt, …), also your favorite windows manager (Gnome, KDE/Plasma, Cinnamon, Mint, XFCE, MATE).

Python version, usually the one provided by the Linux distro, unless is old one.
I use Fedora 32 (KDE/Plasma) which comes with Python 3.8.5.

Robot version, should be the newest, currently 3.2.2.

Thanks ! I will try it.

@HelioGuilherme66, linux is a very good platform. I just feel difficult for web ui test env setup. do you have any standard procedure to setup web ui env such as chrome, firefox on linux?

It may depend if you are running a real Linux environment or a virtual machine one (or a remote machine). On a local machine, it’s a matter of having the correct PATH set for the tools and chromedriver and geckodriver. For remote and virtual machines, you must ensure the graphical environment is working. On CI system this is done with XFVB.

For web ui testing, there are probably 3 separate main setups:

  1. Install robotframework-seleniumlibrary and download web driver for your browser and place it in your PATH
  2. Install rpaframework . It is a bundle of libraries including RPA.Browser which offers some additional keywords and organizes webdriver installation automatically.
  3. Install playwright and robotframework-browser. It is the new kid on the block likely to take over. No need to install browser or webdrivers.