Is it possible to automate API's and mobile automation using Robot framework?

Hi Robot framework community,

Can we able to automate API’s using Robot framework?
Please guide me how to start learning the API automation topics

Mobile automation is possible using Robot framework?
Please guide me how to start learning the Mobile automation topics

RobotFramework is generic and the different technologies are handled by libraries.

For example Mobile testing by Appium

Regarding API the question would be: “what api?”

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A very simple API client with no request body:

Library                 	HttpCtrl.Client
Library                 	HttpCtrl.Json

Set Local Variable    ${HTTP_METHOD}      GET    # GET, POST, DELETE, ....
Set Local Variable    ${MY_BASE_URL}
Set Local Variable    ${URL_PATH}         /path/to/my/api/call

 Initialize Client       ${MY_BASE_URL}

 Set Request Header		Authorization				Bearer ${MY_TOKEN}
 Set Request Header		Content-Type				application/json
 Set Request Header		Cache-Control				no-cache

 Send HTTPS Request	        ${HTTP_METHOD}	${URL_PATH}

 ${RESPONSE_STATUS}=		Get Response Status
 ${RESPONSE_BODY}=	    	Get Response Body
 ${RESPONSE_HEADER}=		Get Response Headers

As René states - the end result depends on what API you want to use.

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Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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