Flutter Testing

Hi all,

I am developing a Flutter app, for iOS and Android devices.

The test team uses Robot Framework.

Should Test team install AppiumLibrary or Robot can interact directly with Flutter ??

If AppiumLibrary is needed, what I have to include in the Flutter app?? (Ids)



Great question. I am looking for similar advice.


I am facing the same scenario. Mobile app is been developed with Flutter and, as the Rest API tests are implemented using Robot Framework we would like to extend out coverage to mobile UI using the AppiumLibrary available with Robot Framework.

Any of you could give us a hand? Any clue?

Thank you.

They would need appium library to interact with the mobile application, overall it makes little to no difference what language the mobile app had been developed with.

There’s a dedicated library for flutter applications, it’s currently beta and I haven’t experimented with it.