Using Robot Framework for Appsmith apps

Hi, I’m failry new to using Robot Framework and I am still leaning. So maybe that’s why I’m asking this question. We’ve recently starting using Appsmith in our company to make relatively easy frontend applications for internal use. But we also want to test that. Can this be done with Robot Framework or is a tool like Playwright better equipped for this kind of FE automation? I cannot seem to find a right yes or no answer…

We currently are in the process of using Robot Framework for our API testing mainly. Not using it to test our FE apps. That will be in the future using Appium (prob).

I did not know about Appsmith. Looks interesting.
Since it is a framework to build web apps, you can use Robot Framework for testing, with Browser (Playwright) or SeleniumLibrary libraries.
For Appium, you can use AppiumLibrary.

You, probably use already, RequestsLibrary or RestInstance libraries, to test API.

@Martin-78 Robot Framework is a generic open source automation framework for acceptance testing, acceptance test driven development (ATDD), and robotic process automation (RPA).
And Playwright is an open-source automation framework designed for testing web applications.

A variety of libraries are available for Robot Framework like Browser library and SeleniumLibrary that let’s you test web apps. For tests requiring Appium you can use the AppiumLibrary.
FYI Browser library uses Playwright under the hood.