Hello Every body.
Recently, I’d worked on a performance testing project. I decided to try RFSWARM because is was usefull for re using robot framework functionals tests.
With Dave’s help (the tool’s creator @damies13), we succeeded in dockerizing the tool. So we thought about sharing this docker container with the community. Do you think it might be usefull for some of you?
At the beginning of this idea I wanted to discuss about it with dave before asking the community but I didn’t know how to send personal message on this forum.
So sorry, I created a topic though I don’t need to ask a question.
You can click the avatar then “message” button to send a personal message 
I was looking into RFSwarms early this week for future projects and was thinking about this Docker integration as I’m running tests this way.
Clearly this would be interesting, with infos about implementation for it (Dockerfile content, additional scripts, running specificities etc…).
This would be an opportunity to tune/update currents Dockerfile with the performance tests capability.
Hi Esther,
I would welcome you sharing this container 
From what I’ve seen many of the shared docker containers are shared as a project on github as people seem to be able run the dockerfile directly from there.
I would also encourage you to provide some documentation on the container, I imagine things like this would be useful information:
- which RFSwarm version
- which libraries and their versions
- how many robots you’ve successfully run for each library on the container
FYI - I’d actually thought about providing some docker containers through github as “pre-canned” agents, one each for
- SeleniumLibrary
- Browser Library
- RequestsLibrary
But never got to it, as so many other things in RFSwarm seemed more important to implement and I only have so much time in the day (I think we all have this problem) so if either of you (or both together) would like to help out by providing and maintaining these for people to use I’d really appreciate that.
I know in docker files you can reference another docker file as a template and build on it, so I’d suggest a base template docker file with RFSwarm agent and robot framework, then add the other libraries in docker files that reference the base template to keep the maintenance easier.
You also might find Issue #61 interesting, I was thinking docker containers might be part of the solution for that.
As always, happy to answer any questions,
Hello @CharlieScene ,
Thanks for the information , and for sharing with us your opinion
I’ll will schedule some time with my coworker to work on this properly.
Hi Dave,
If a few poeple found this usefull , I think I will schedule some time after work to try to work on it.
That’s why I wanted to ask before if there is any used of this kind of needs cauz we can’t do it during work time.
But I think , you can undersatnd what it is @damies13 isn’t it ? since you used to work plenty overtime to create rfswarm , did you?
Can we contact you to share our progress with you before making it avaible for everyone on github or wherever?,
Hope you’re well,
Hi Esther,
Yes RFSwarm was completely built outside of work time, none of my employers let me work on it, but I didn’t ask either.
Sure, you can contact me on this forum, otherwise I’m on slack and discord
- slack - use the Robot Framework invite to slack, there is a rfswarm channel in there
- discord - In the Community Support section of the RFSwarm main page is an invite to my RFSwarm discord channel
I’m usually online every day, but obviously can’t answer during work hours, my timezone is UTC+10 so depending where you it may take a few hours before I see your messages.
When you are ready to make it available to everyone I’ll be happy for you to announce it on the rfswarm discord and slack channels (or I can).
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