Introducing RobotMK for monitoring

Hi there,

some of you will perhaps remember my lightning talk at Robocon2020 about “Robot meets CheckMK”.

I want to let you know that I continued to work on this topic over the last months and I am very happy to have a first working version of RobotMK.
It allows you to integrate the results of Robot framework tests into the Open Source monitoring solution Check_MK. There is no need to change anything on Robot side, no listener, special module etc. - the XML result gets injected directly into the CheckMK monitoring agent. On the server side, a special check parses the XML to notify about runtime transgressions, generate graphs, format the output etc.


I am very happy to hear your feedback.
If you like the idea let my know and give it a fav star on GitHub.




Looks good. Have you considered to add it to the website. It has please for this kind of projects? Adding is easy, just make a PR to

Thanks for the hint, Tatu. I opened an issue.

I would create pull request to add it.

Ha, that was easy. And all that without vue skills. :grin:

I must admit that this looks interesting but I don’t know much about it. So I am guessing one requires an account to the Check_MK service? I know monitoring is a big deal and sort of part of the whole DevOps mentality.

Thank you!

So I am guessing one requires an account to the Check_MK service?

CheckMK is not a monitoring service. It’s an on-premises monitoring solution you install on your own server. There is a Open Source version (CRE = Checkmk Raw Edition) and a Enterprise (CEE) edition which has some more features. But in general, RobotMK works well on both editions.
Hope that helps.

Thanks Simon for clarifying. Looks like I’ll have to acquaint myself with CheckMK. Thanks for the plugin.

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How long will it take to accept this pull request?