Import Files to Browser

hola, estoy creando un robot que en uno de los pasos tiene que subir un archivo.

lo tengo que cargar desde el navegador, la aplicacion me ofrece 2 alternativas.

podria hacer Drag & drop files to upload

o adjuntarlo

estuve intentando con la opcion

Choose File xpath=//*[@id=“main-wrapper”]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div[1]/div[1]/section/div/section/section \0016_202008_MEN.pdf

pero no esta funcionando

Hi Miguel,

Sorry I don’t speak Spanish, so my reply is based on what google translate thinks you said.

As a first guess you could try:

Choose File    xpath=//*[@id=“main-wrapper”]/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div[1]/div[1]/section/div/section/section  

Also are you sure you are using Browser Library and not Selenium Library? Browser Library doesn’t have a keyword “Choose File”, but Selenium Library does.

Hope this helps,


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Hi, have keyword “Upload File By Selector” in the Browser lib the same action as “Choosen File” in the Selenium lib?