How to get report after force stop running case

IWhen I run the case, click the stop button twice, and then I won’t get the report. This problem has been bothering me for a long time. Is there a good way to solve it?

Hi @RocandSky

“click the stop button twice” I guess this is a feature of the IDE you are using? I so it might be a feature request for your IDE to do this?

In the meantime is there an output.xml generated? if so you could potentially use rebot to generate the report for you.

But probably the more important question is why are you stopping your test case? is there some condition that has occurred that you know will cause your tests to fail? if so it might be better to put a validation step in your test case for that condition and if it’s met have robot framework stop the test, then you will get a report and you will have a log of that condition occouring.

Hope this helps,
