10 February 2025 13:16
I would like to have chrome dev_tool’s console logs at the end of my test case. I have tried with “Get Console Log” keyword but I don’t get it to work. Is it possible to get logs from dev tool and if it is possible, how?
I didn’t tested the log retrieve, but I had Chrome Dev Tools protocol working as described here:
If you’re mentioning modify DevTools parameters as if you were in inspector, you can use execute_cdp_cmd (ChromeDevToolsProtocol) to set and modify options.
You have the commands here:
And here is an example I use to set my browser offline:
Offline Simulation
${seleniumlib} Get Library Instance SeleniumLibrary
VAR ${webdriver} ${seleniumlib.driver}
# Network tracking activation
${network_init} Create Dictionary
Call Method ${webdriver} execute_…
And I see there are possibilities to access logs here:
Might be worth a try